
Sunday 15 March 2020

CORONAVIRUS: All You Need To Know!

Currently there is a pandemic (define; a disease that is spreading in multiple countries around the world at the same time) circulating around the globe. That is of course Covid-19 also well known as the Coronavirus. If you're still confused with the lately news about this topic, these answers should answer your questions.  
1. What Is Covid-19?
The Coronavirus is an affecting virus. For example, headaches, tummy aches or coughing. It can spread easily from one to another. As said in the news it can spread from person to person by coughing, or incontact with the surface of your face/skin.

 2. Where Did Covid-19 Orginirate From?
The first few cases were in China, in a city called Wuhan..but has now dispersed across the world. It has thought the disease originated at an animal market in the city. Where it somehow consumed into a person.

3. How Can You Protect Yourself and Others?
  • Cough or sneeze into your elbow or by covering your mouth. 
  • Put used tissues in the bin or a big immediatly. 
  • Wash your hands with soap often (prefaablly 20 seconds)
  • Avoid personal contact/ social distance yourself 
  • Clean and disinfect frequently tounched surfaces
  • Stay home if you feel unwell 

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