
Friday 24 April 2020

What's Your Daily Routine In Quarantine?

It seems like everyone's wondering what others routines are like during this situation.Today I'll be sharing with you my daily routine and what I'm feeling during lockdown.  

Bright Early - Morning
As I wake up, I make my bed and head to the bathroom to fufill my hygiene. After I prepare myself some breakfast. It'll be a long day ahead, breakfast is an important meal of the day!

Midday - Afternoon
If I feel too clogged up in a cramped space, I'll go outside and enjoy the fresh breeze. Soon I join my class video call seeing what we'll be learning for our home learning. 

7:00PM is when my family all gather around our living room to do our prayer. Finishing off we head back to our individual rooms and get ready for the night. 

Thank you all for tuning into my daily morning routine. I hope you all stay safe, clean and healthy. Stay safe everyone! 


  1. It's much easier to cope with a routine of structure in place don't you think Limi? I have my own little routine which changes at the weekend when Mr Collins is at home...does yours every change?

    1. Thank you for your question Ms. Collins. I agree that it's much more simpler to cope with a routine and maintain it as that. For me, my routine changes during the weekends and somedays in the week if I'm feeling unwell.
