
Wednesday 16 August 2017

What Is GLOOP?

On Wednesday for reading, my reading group read a story about gloop. In the story the classroom were sitting in a circle and had a squidgy. Squidgy is the classrooms talking stick. One morning when the students came in they saw squidgy's skin popped out. The teacher decided to make gloop. Next week my reading group will be making gloop next week on Monday!

The ingredients to make gloop are:

  1.  2 cups of PVA glue
  2. 1\2 cup of cold water
  3. A few drops of food colouring or dye
  4. 2 tablespoons of soap flakes
  5. 1 cup of boiling water


  1. Kia Ora Limiteti, I read your post about gloop. Making it must of been a lot of fun. I am going to try and make a big bottle of gloop because it looks super fun. What was your favourite part of making it?
    From Kate

    1. Hi Kate, thank you for your comment. My favourite part of making gloop was when Shaniqua and I put in soap and we mixed the gloop, until the gloop got stuck to the spoon. It was fun to see our reactions when the gloop got stuck to the spoon.
      From Limiteti

  2. Hi Limiteti, I really like how you told the instructions on how to make gloop. I will try and make it at home in the weekends. What did you make the colour of your gloop?

  3. Hi Madisyn and thank you for your comment. While Shaniqua and I were making gloop. We coloured the gloop blue and it was amazing when we mixed it.
    From Limiteti
